Least Known React JS features

React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it's constantly evolving to offer new and improved features. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the lesser-known but highly useful features of React that can help you build more efficient and effective applications.

  1. Controlled and Uncontrolled Components

In React, a controlled component is one that is fully controlled by the application's state. This means that the component's value is determined by the value passed to it through props, and any changes made to the component will update the state. On the other hand, an uncontrolled component is one that maintains its own internal state.

One of the key benefits of using controlled components is that they make it easier to keep track of changes and validate user input. However, in some cases, it may be more convenient to use uncontrolled components, as they can be faster and easier to set up.

  1. Render Props

Render props is a way of sharing component logic between components. Instead of using Higher-Order Components (HOC) to share logic, render props allow you to use a single component that is responsible for the logic, and other components that render the content.

This pattern allows for better reusability, as the component with the logic can be reused across multiple components, and it also makes it easier to test and debug.

  1. Hooks

Hooks are a way to add state and other React features to functional components. They were introduced in React 16.8, and they allow developers to use state and other React features without the need for class components.

Hooks are useful for managing state, effects, and context in functional components. They allow for better code reuse, and they also make it easier to test and debug functional components.

  1. Error Boundaries

Error boundaries are a way to catch and handle errors that occur within a component tree. They are similar to try-catch blocks in JavaScript, but they are specific to React.

Error boundaries can be used to handle errors that occur during rendering, lifecycle methods, or constructors. This allows developers to handle errors in a way that prevents the application from crashing, and provides a better user experience.

React is a powerful tool, and these are just a few of the many niche features that it offers. By understanding and utilizing these features, you can build more efficient and effective applications that are easy to test and debug.